Back To School: Dangers of Public Wifi
Going back to school means a new year, some new clothes, maybe even a new computer or smartphone to help with the academic challenges that will be coming up. It may also mean new challenges accessing the content you want over your school, university, or dormitory Internet connection.
Restricted Public Wi-Fi Can Cramp Your Style
It’s a fact. Many if not most Wi-Fi connections available to the public at academic institutions have filters and blockers that prevent access to any number of websites and/or online services. These restrictions vary from place to place, but considering that they’re put in place not only to ensure that only academically-inclined content is available, but also to temper the amount of bandwidth that might otherwise be used. That means popular sites like Facebook, YouTube, Snapchat—perhaps event Twitter—are off limits.
Now combine the fact that your internet choices are arbitrarily limited by administrators with the knowledge that the open Wi-Fi network is a big security risk for you and your device. Before you decide to simply go dark, you should know there is an easy solution to allow you to control your own internet experience—even at school—and protect yourself from prying eyes.
SlickVPN can give you the internet—the WHOLE internet—instead of restrictions. SlickVPN can allow you to use public Wi-Fi while still keeping you safe and secure.
Snoopers and Swipers at School
Any public Wi-Fi connection can pose dangers—with potential cyberthieves sniffing and snooping, hoping to swipe your sensitive data. If they get your social media account password you could find yourself embarrassed fast. But should they get your credit card information, it could be even more costly.
Open Wi-Fi is simply not safe.
But a solid VPN service like SlickVPN creates a strong encrypted tunnel through which all your information flows. Snoopers, swipers, and assorted cyber dirtballs don’t even know you’re online, much less be able to attack you. Your messages, identity, credit care information and your passwords are all safe.
The Eyes Have It
Preying eyes, that is… because an academic institution that is set up to restrict online content may well be monitoring what people are doing while online with their system. Literally anything you do, see, or say on their network can be monitored—from the online conversations you have, to the sites you visit, to the apps you use.
When you use a VPN, even the network provider can’t see your online activity. You enjoy complete anonymity.
What You Want, When You Want
Now, maybe the best part. Since neither cyber clowns nor administration-types can see you—well, they can’t very well restrict where you go, now either, can they? SlickVPN allows you to access what you want, when you want—even when you’re on your school’s Wi-Fi network.
It’s an end-run to beat all end-runs. Your IP address is replaced with a temporary one from the SlickVPN servers, which allows you to leap network firewalls in a single bound. No filters, just the wide-open joy of the World Wide Web.
Even Online Gaming!
Yes, it’s true. School network administrators are sure to target online gaming sites right out of the gate out of fear that students will waste time and consume inordinate amounts of bandwidths. But that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy a little diversion now and then– just connect to your favorite online game through SlickVPN, and fire it up!
With SlickVPN you enjoy complete privacy. Your internet traffic is encrypted. No one can monitor what you do online. No one can throttle and slow down your connection. No one can steal your data.
Surf anonymously, and control your own internet experience. And since SlickVPN has unlimited bandwidth, you’ll be able to view whatever you want– everything available online– with the highest possible quality.
Private surfing, strong encryption for protection and security, watching what you want AND playing what you want online over computer, smart TV, or your choice of mobile device. And the strong encrypted tunnel produced by SlickVPN means the addresses or URLs of any site you visit are masked, as well as any unique identifiers for you.
24/7 support, blazing fast connections, and a 30 day money back guarantee.